The Hartford Sees High Mortality for the Next Few Years



Chris Swift, the chief executive officer of Hartford Financial, on Friday confirmed what government statistics seem to be showing: The U.S. death rate continues to be noticeably higher than it was before early 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic came to light.

Swift talked about the effects of the higher U.S. mortality rate on the company’s group life insurance business Friday during a conference call with securities analysts.

He noted that mortality was much lower in the first quarter than in the first quarter of 2023, but that it was still somewhat higher than the pre-pandemic average.

“The trends are downward,” Swift said. “But we believe that we’re still operating in an endemic state of mortality, which means it’s going to be higher than normal, and we think that will continue for at least the next the next couple of years. We’ve been pricing our product with that view.”

Author(s): Allison Bell

Publication Date: 26 April 2024

Publication Site: Think Advisor

Influential fund manager Green Century tells insurers to drop Big Oil



Green Century Capital Management tried to use shareholder muscle to persuade at least a trio of insurance companies to drop fossil-fuel clients.

So far, the insurance firms aren’t biting; all three have filed no-action requests with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The resolutions, in advance of proxy season this spring, call on Chubb CB Travelers TRV and The Hartford HIG to take this bold step as private-sector efforts to curb global warming from the burning of coal, oil CL00 and gas NG00 pick up, alongside global government action.

The insurance resolutions represent the first time that shareholders have laid down this sizable challenge to this industry for what the activists say are its contributions to the climate crisis

Author(s): Rachel Koning Beals

Publication Date: 17 Feb 2022

Publication Site: MarketWatch