Flash Update: Unemployment Rate in Every Metro (Feb 2023 Release)

Link: https://civmetrics.com/uncategorized/flash-update-unemployment-rate-in-every-metro-feb-23-release/



The new metro-level unemployment numbers were released last week, and we’ve organized all the data for all 380+ metros in one chart at the bottom of this page. First, some highlights:

NOTE: All numbers are seasonally adjusted.

Here are the 10 metro areas that saw the biggest month-over-month increase in unemployment:

Author(s): Ted Ballantine

Publication Date: 6 Feb 2023

Publication Site: CivMetrics

5 Worst Cities for COVID-19 Case Count Trends




The latest COVID-19 Community Profile Report, which is produced by public health specialists at the CDC and another federal agency, shows that the overall number of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people fell to 504,056 in the week ending Nov. 28, down 21% from the total for the previous week.

But, at the metropolitan area level, week-over-week changes ranged from a drop of 100% to an increase of 12%.

Author(s): Allison Bell

Publication Date: 30 Nov 2021

Publication Site: Think Advisor