If Puerto Rico bankruptcy ruling stands, it could devastate municipal borrowing

Link: https://www.foxbusiness.com/financials/puerto-rico-bankruptcy-ruling-stands-could-devastate-municipal-borrowing


In the bankruptcy proceedings of the power utility, Swain sided with borrowers and concluded that special revenue bondholders do not hold a secured claim on current and future net revenues. As The Wall Street Journal explained in March, “A federal judge curbed Puerto Rico bondholders’ rights to the electric revenue generated by its public power utility.”

Furthermore, the ruling stated that the original legal obligation of the borrowers is not the face value of the debt, but rather what the borrower (in this case “PREPA”) can feasibly repay. This ruling raises concerns regarding its broader implications for the municipal bond market. 

Municipal bonds play a pivotal role in financing vital infrastructure projects across America. However, Swain’s decision poses a significant threat to the traditional free-market principles that underpin the structure and security of municipal bonds, particularly special revenue bonds.  

These bonds have provided investors with the assurance of repayment through revenue streams generated by specific projects or utilities. By eroding this sense of security, the ruling fundamentally alters the risk-reward dynamics of municipal bonds, disregarding the principles of free markets and limited-government intervention.  

Consequently, state and local governments may encounter elevated borrowing costs when issuing bonds for necessary public investments, hindering fiscal responsibility and the efficient allocation of resources. 

Author(s): Matthew Whitaker

Publication Date: 5 Sep 2023

Publication Site: Fox Business

Arizona divesting funds from BlackRock over ESG push

Link: https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/arizona-divesting-funds-from-blackrock-over-esg-push


Arizona is forging ahead with its plan to pull the state’s funds from BlackRock due to concerns over the massive investment firm’s push for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies that have led other states to take similar actions.

Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee said in a statement released Thursday that the state treasury’s Investment Risk Management Committee (IRMC) began to assess the relationship between the state’s trust fund and BlackRock in late 2021. 

“Part of the review by IRMC involved reading the annual letters by CEO Larry Fink, which in recent years, began dictating to businesses in the United States to follow his personal political beliefs,” Yee wrote. “In short, BlackRock moved from a traditional asset manager to a political action committee. Our internal investment team believed this moved the firm away from its fiduciary duty in general as an asset manager.”

In response to those findings, Yee noted that Arizona began to divest over $543 million from BlackRock money market funds in February 2022 and “reduced our direct exposure to BlackRock by 97%” over the course of the year. Yee added that Arizona “will continue to reduce our remaining exposure in BlackRock over time in a phased in approach that takes into consideration safe and prudent investment strategy that protects the taxpayers.”


Florida’s chief financial officer announced recently that the state’s treasury is taking action to remove about $2 billion in assets from BlackRock’s stewardship before the end of this year. In October, Louisiana and Missouri announced they would reallocate state pension funds away from BlackRock, which amounted to roughly $1.3 billion in combined assets. Taken together with Arizona’s divestment, roughly $3.8 billion in state funds have been divested from BlackRock by those four states alone.

Additionally, North Carolina’s state treasurer has called for BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s resignation and the Texas legislature has subpoenaed BlackRock for financial documents.

The investment firm has also taken heat from activists who argue BlackRock isn’t doing enough to follow through with its ESG commitments. New York City Comptroller Brad Lander wrote to Fink in September citing an “alarming” contradiction between the company’s words and its deeds. Lander wrote, “BlackRock cannot simultaneously declare that climate risk is a systemic financial risk and argue that BlackRock has no role in mitigating the risks that climate change poses to its investments by supporting decarbonization in the real economy.”

Author(s): Eric Revell

Publication Date: 11 Dec 2022

Publication Site: Fox Business