How Losing At Least 375 Businesses Since Last March Reshaped D.C.




At least 235 brick-and-mortar businesses have closed permanently in D.C. since the first known coronavirus case was reported on March 7, 2020, with 100 more shuttered temporarily, a count by DCist/WAMU found. (The status of another 40 is unknown.)

As of December, more than 36,000 residents were unemployed — a 77% increase over the prior year. Downtown D.C., once an economic engine that contributed nearly 16% of the city’s tax revenue in 2019, is today an effigy of its former self. At night, the bars and restaurants that propelled so much of D.C.’s economic growth seem funereal without scores of intoxicated revelers streaming through the doors and swiping their credit cards.


Publication Date: 12 March 2021

Publication Site: NPR

Republican State Lawmakers Urge Pritzker To Preserve Tax Credits In Budget Plan



Last month, Pritzker announced he would delay the implementation of economic incentives outlined in the so-called Blue Collar Jobs Act passed in 2019, and this week he announced he’d be seeking the closure of “corporate tax loopholes” in order to shore up the state’s budget.

The program offers up to $20 million in tax credits to construction outfits working on projects related  to high impact businessesenterprise zones, or river edge redevelopment zones

Rep. Keith Wheeler (R-Oswego) said delaying the agreed-upon tax credits in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession will end up hurting the state’s economy in the long-term.

Author(s): Derek Cantu

Publication Date: 12 February 2021

Publication Site: NPR Illinois