
Publication Date: 28 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Dept
All about risk
Publication Date: 28 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Dept
Publication Date: 27 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Department
She’s not alone, according to the CDC black women of all backgrounds are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy related cause than white woman. Black infants are also three times more likely to die than white babies.
Many black women report feeling silenced or ignored by healthcare providers during their pregnancy journey.
“It is 2023 almost 2024, and in this time, we should not be dying in birth. Period. You may be the medical professional, and you may have great textbook knowledge and you may have many degrees, but nobody is in my body but me, and nobody can tell me that this pain that I’m feeling is not there,” King said.
This month New York Governor Kathy Hochul called the issue a crisis and a disgrace. Hochul announced more than $4 million in funding for regional perinatal centers and said doula services will now be covered for all Medicaid enrollees beginning January first.
In a statement, Governor Hochul said, “as the first mom and grandma to serve as Governor of New York, I’m committed to doing everything in my power to tackle the disturbing rise in infant mortality.”
Esther is hopeful the attacks on this issue from all fronts will lead to better outcomes for women and babies in the future.
For more information about BirthNet visit this link.
Author(s): Emani Payne
Publication Date: 21 Nov 2023
Publication Site: CBS 6 Albany
Publication Date: 24 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Dept
Publication Date: 20 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Dept
Seven months into what was predicted to be the biggest upheaval in the 58-year history of the government health insurance program for people with low incomes and disabilities, states have reviewed the eligibility of more than 28 million people and terminated coverage for over 10 million of them. Millions more are expected to lose Medicaid in the coming months.
The unprecedented enrollment drop comes after federal protections ended this spring that had prohibited states from removing people from Medicaid during the three pandemic years. Since March 2020, enrollment in Medicaid and the related Children’s Health Insurance Program had surged by more than 22 million to reach 94 million people.
The process of reviewing all recipients’ eligibility has been anything but smooth for many Medicaid enrollees. Some are losing coverage without understanding why. Some are struggling to prove they’re still eligible. Recipients and patient advocates say Medicaid officials sent mandatory renewal forms to outdated addresses, miscalculated income levels, and offered clumsy translations of the documents. Attempting to process the cases of tens of millions of people at the same time also has exacerbated long-standing weaknesses in the bureaucratic system. Some suspect particular states have used the confusing system to discourage enrollment.
Author(s): Phil Galewitz and Katheryn Houghton and Brett Kelman and Samantha Liss
Publication Date: 2 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Kaiser Health News
Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority bond parties that oppose the Oversight Board’s proposed debt deal filed suits challenging part of the deal, asked for compensation for Puerto Rico central government’s actions since March 2022 and proposed an alternate bond deal.
The parties filed the suits this weekend in the U.S. District Court for Puerto Rico and filed an informative motion Friday in the bankruptcy telling U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain about their bond deal offer.
GoldenTree Asset Management and Syncora Guarantee sued Puerto Rico’s central government for actions taken since March 2022 to interfere with PREPA’s ability to pay bondholders. The court has yet to appoint a judge in that case.
The bond parties allege the commonwealth government has manipulated PREPA’s fiscal plans and budgets to deprive the bondholders of their claim on the authority’s revenues and depress the value of the bonds.
The board rejected former Oversight Board member Justin Peterson’s suggestion to use commonwealth financial surpluses for PREPA because the commonwealth didn’t owe the authority money.
Author(s): Robert Slavin
Publication Date: 13 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Fidelity Fixed Income/Bond Buyer
Publication Date: 14 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Treasury Department
The tax preparation industry claims that current efforts to create a government-run system that would allow eligible Americans to file their taxes for free could be prohibitively expensive. But a new report reveals that the potential cost of such a free-file program could be less than the total tax subsidies scored last year by the biggest player in an industry that reaps billions from people using services that could be free.
In effect, government tax credits are subsidizing Intuit’s fight against a direct-file system that would let Americans avoid paying for the company’s tax filing services. In October, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced it would pilot its free Direct File platform for select taxpayers in thirteen states during the 2024 tax season — potentially delivering a final blow to a twenty-year agreement with the tax preparation industry that prohibited the IRS from effectively becoming a competitor. That’s assuming Congress doesn’t eliminate funding for the free tax filing program as part of its new military aid bill for Israel, as Republicans have proposed.
In return for the IRS not launching its own e-filing product, private tax prep companies like Intuit and H&R Block were required to provide access to free filing services for qualified taxpayers. But only 3 percent of eligible taxpayers utilized these free services, largely due to roadblocks set up by companies that forced people into paying for their products instead. Both companies ended up pulling out of the free IRS program in recent years.
These deceptive strategies and hurdles have proven to be lucrative for the industry. In 2019, at least fourteen million Americans paid for tax prep services that should have been free, according to a Treasury Department audit spurred by a ProPublica investigation. This earned the industry around $1 billion in revenue.
Publication Date: 10 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Jacobin Magazine
DOI: JAMA. 2023;330(8):693-694. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.11110
Thirty-five years ago, geriatrics officially became a specialty of medicine. At that time, there were 76 million baby boomers who would begin turning 65 in 2011, a compelling demographic imperative for this new specialty that specifically focused on older adults.
Geriatrics is a field especially attractive to some physicians because of its differences from other specialties, including elements beyond single medical conditions such as multimorbidity, polypharmacy, function, and cognition. Geriatrics also places a special emphasis on interdisciplinary team care for complex older patients, and the needs of family caregivers.
Author(s):Jerry H. Gurwitz, MD1
Publication Date: 4 Aug 2023
Publication Site: JAMA
Moody’s Investors Service (MCO) revised its rating outlook for the Aaa-rated District of Columbia to negative Monday, matching its Friday action on the United States government.
At the same time, the rating agency affirmed the Aaa issuer ratings and stable outlooks of Florida, Maryland and Virginia.
The actions follow Friday’s outlook revision on the United States to negative from stable by Moody’s while it affirmed the U.S. sovereign rating at Aaa.
Moody’s said the main reason for the negative outlook on the United States was its assessment that “the downside risks to the U.S.’ fiscal strength have increased and may no longer be fully offset by the sovereign’s unique credit strengths.
“In the context of higher interest rates, without effective fiscal policy measures to reduce government spending or increase revenues, Moody’s expects that the U.S.’ fiscal deficits will remain very large, significantly weakening debt affordability,” the rating agency said. “Continued political polarization within U.S. Congress raises the risk that successive governments will not be able to reach consensus on a fiscal plan to slow the decline in debt affordability.”
Author(s): Chip Barnett
Publication Date: 13 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Fidelity Fixed Income – Bond Buyer
Despite the surging older population, there are fewer geriatricians now (just over 7,400) than in 2000 (10,270), he noted in a recent piece in JAMA. (In those two decades, the population 65 and older expanded by more than 60%.) Research suggests each geriatrician should care for no more than 700 patients; the current ratio of providers to older patients is 1 to 10,000.
What’s more, medical schools aren’t required to teach students about geriatrics, and fewer than half mandate any geriatrics-specific skills training or clinical experience. And the pipeline of doctors who complete a one-year fellowship required for specialization in geriatrics is narrow. Of 411 geriatric fellowship positions available in 2022-23, 30% went unfilled.
The implications are stark: Geriatricians will be unable to meet soaring demand for their services as the aged U.S. population swells for decades to come. There are just too few of them. “Sadly, our health system and its workforce are wholly unprepared to deal with an imminent surge of multimorbidity, functional impairment, dementia and frailty,” Gurwitz warned in his JAMA piece.
This is far from a new concern. Fifteen years ago, a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine concluded: “Unless action is taken immediately, the health care workforce will lack the capacity (in both size and ability) to meet the needs of older patients in the future.” According to the American Geriatrics Society, 30,000 geriatricians will be needed by 2030 to care for frail, medically complex seniors.
Author(s): Judith Graham
Publication Date: 10 Nov 2023
Publication Site: Kaiser Health News