Puerto Rico’s Public Debts: Accumulation and Restructuring

Link: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46788https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46788



Restructuring Puerto Rico’s finances has involved complex disputes among bondholders invested in different types of Puerto Rico’s public debt. This section outlines the structure of the island’s public debts. Since Puerto Rico lost access to credit markets in late 2014, its current debt structure has been largely unchanged, aside from the runoff of short-term notes, the 2018 wind-down of the GDB, and the 2019 restructuring of sales-tax-backed COFINA bonds (COFINA—an acronym for the Corporación del Fondo de Interés Apremiante—is also known as the Puerto Rico Sales Tax Financing Corporation). Figure 2 and Table A-1 show debt levels as of the end of July 2016.

Author(s): D. Andrew Austin

Publication Date: 18 May 2021

Publication Site: Congressional Research Service